4 jun 2018


Curioso canal de You Tube de un graduado en  French Culinary Institute de Nueva York que recorre miles de kilómetros para investigar y preparar los platos regionales de Francia, España y Portugal más auténticos.
Video Pete's Pans canal de You Tube... 
A video compendium of local gastronomy
The genuine, ancient "Gachamiga" recipe from the province of Alicante in eastern Spain. I hope you are inspired to try this wonderfully simple, traditional, festive dish "Gachamiga" from Villena, cooked, as always, just like the locals! Villena 2018
Welcome to Petes Pans. Here you will find traditional dishes from France, Spain and Portugal, cooked like the locals. I focus on the most authentic recipes, free of personal interpretation and additional touches - I bring you the genuine food as prepared in the area, not misunderstood or jazzed up versions one usually finds on the web. A graduate of the French Culinary Institute in New York, I cycle thousands of miles to research and prepare the regional dishes of France, Spain and Portugal, many times on location and under the critical supervision of the local people. So, if you would like to learn how things are really cooked and thereby gain a solid grasp of classic cuisine, please subscribe to Pete's Pans on Youtube.

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